Ash Class 2024 - 2025

Miss Greenwood

Year 2 Teacher

Mrs McKee

Teaching Team

  Welcome to Ash Class      


Also supporting ASH CLASS are

Mrs Jones - Teaching team

Mrs Hall  - Phonics and PPA 

Mr McNab - Computer Science

Mr Pilkington - PE and Breakfast Club

Mrs Whalley - Play Therapist



Spring 2

I hope you have had a great half term and are ready for the next term together in Ash Class! This is going to be a fun filled, busy and exciting half term with lots of new learning taking place. We have lots of time to learn, grow, and reach our full potential together in Christ.

Please have a look at 'The Curriculum Overview' to learn all about the new things we will be learning about this half term. 


Homework will be given out on a Friday to be completed and returened the following week. Please have a look at the 'Homework Grid' below.  Although it is not compulsary, and we understand that family life can be busy, any activities completed will enhance your child's learning. Your child will be starting a new reading scheme called Read Write Inc, therefore, their reading books will be changed on the third read of the new books, making the days reading books are changed each week vary. To support your child please read with them, talking to them about what they have read and ask questions, which will help with their understanding and comprehension skills

Polite reminders:

  • Reading books are to be brought in daily.
  • Please name all your child's clothing, to prevent loss and will also encourage responsibility and prevent loss.
  • PE is on Tuesday - please remember that PE kits are now to be kept in school and the children attend wearing their school uniform. 
  • We are swimming on a Wednesday afternoon - children need their swimwear, towel, and a swim cap.
  • Homework is due in on Friday.
  • Spelling test will be on a Friday.


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Files to Download

Ash Class: News items


South for the Winter, by Mr McNab

Ash Class: Blog items

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Ash Class: Gallery items

Ash Class: Events items

Ash Class Swimming, by Mr McNab

Ofsted Good School AC Education hyndburn business awards The Church of England The National Society PSQM Lancashire Quality Award Magic Breakfast Fuel for learning stonewall schoolchampion logo My Happy Mind Accredited school: Bronze Award



Devonshire Street, Accrington BB5 1DW

Mrs Helen V Bird | Headteacher

Mrs L Morgan | School Bursar

01254 232329



CE Primary School

'Reaching our potential Together in Christ'

We seek to help all of our learners to 'live and live splendidly' (John 10:10)

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