Elm Class 2024 - 2025
Miss Jones
Year 1 Teacher
Mrs Crawshaw
Teaching Team
Miss Macmillan
Teaching Team
Also supporting ELM CLASS are
Mrs Hall - Phonics and PPA
Mr McNab - Computer Science
Mr Pilkington - PE and Breakfast Club
Mrs Ruggieri - PPA
Mrs Whalley - Play Therapist
Welcome to Year 1
Welcome to Elm Class, together we are going to work hard and nurture a love of learning with God's love guiding us through. We are excited for all children to reach their true potential together in Christ by ‘living and living splendidly’ John 10:10, using our Christian values to support us.
Our PE day is Wednesday please make sure your child has a full named PE kit in school.
Please bring reading books into school everyday as we have lots of opportunities to listen to readers.
Thank you!
Miss Jones, Mrs Crawshaw and Miss MacMillan
Spring 2
I hope you have had a great half term break and are ready to continue our journey together in Elm Class!
This is going to be a fun filled, busy and exciting year with lots of new learning taking place each day.
Please have a look at 'The Curriculum Overview' to learn all about the new things we will be learning about this half term.
Please have a look at the 'Spring 2 Homework Grid' below. We understand that family life is busy, therefore, it is not essential that all of these activities are completed but we do ask that your child aims to complete some of the activities to reinforce their learning across the curriculum.
Reading at home is incredibly valuable, children who read frequently at home are more likely to obtain the necessary progress required in Year 1. If possible, we would suggest that you read with your child for 10 minutes each night.
Please read each book with your child and then encourage them to have a go at reading independently. Talking about the story with them and asking questions to develop comprehension skills can be extremely impactful in enhancing their English ability.
Cool Milk
If you would like your child to have milk, you will need to register them on the cool milk website and pay the required termly fee.
If you have any questions please use parents@st-marymagdalens.lancs.sch.uk or speak to someone in the school office.
Files to Download
Elm Class: News items
South for the Winter, by Mr McNab
HAF Christmas is coming..., by Mr McNab