Out of School Care

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club starts at 8am each morning and costs £2.00 per child per day.

Payments are to be made via School spider in advance.


Mrs. Clegg serves a delicious range of cereals, toast, Bagels, Crumpets, fruit, and drinks.

The children also have access to activities including using the ICT suite computers, Lego and games.

We also have sports on  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, this is usually outside unless the British weather strikes in which case we use the hall.

After School Club

Our after school club offers a safe and relaxed environment for your child to play, craft and socialise with their friends. We provide fresh fruit and bagels to all of our childern and a light snack is offered after 4.30pm. 

Children enjoy getting the lego out, building with magnets and sparking their imagination with our dolls, action figures, animal toys and Imaginext sets, aswel as lots of colouring and creating wonderful art using different resources. We especially enjoyed creating our own Easter Egg scratch art!

As the weather starts to improve we will be spending more time outside so please make sure your child has a drinks bottle to take out with them.  

After School club pricing will stay as follows:

Collection before 16:30 (Part session)- £3.00 this includes fresh fruit, bagel and a drink

Collection between 16:30 and 17:40 (full session) £7.00 this includes fresh fruit, bagel, a drink and a light snack.

Payments are to be made in advance via school spider, if more than a weeks payments are owing we will unfortunatly not be able to provide the service until the balance is clear. Invoices will be sent out weekly via school spider unfortunatley these invoices can not be dates, if you require an itemised invoice with dates please do not hesitate to ask.

We are forever trying to improve the service we provide and would appriciate any feedback or suggestions you may have as a parent/Guardian. If you have any toys or games that are in good condition we always welcome donations. 


Please ensure you book your child into After School club by texting 07946426572. (please be aware we also work in school throughout the day, so it is not always possible to respond but if you have text we will get the message and collect your child from their classroom). 

Please include childs name, class, date and sessions required with as much notice as possible to enable us to ensure we have enough fruit and snacks for the children. It is also really important that you keep us up to date with any changes to contact details, medical needs and allergies. Thank you.

We understand that sometimes late pickups are unavoidable but please contact us if you are going to be late for any reason.


Thank you for your continued support 

 Miss Watson and Miss Ghaus

Information on After School Club will be updated every half term.


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Ofsted Good School AC Education hyndburn business awards The Church of England The National Society PSQM Lancashire Quality Award Magic Breakfast Fuel for learning stonewall schoolchampion logo My Happy Mind Accredited school: Bronze Award



Devonshire Street, Accrington BB5 1DW

Mrs Helen V Bird | Headteacher

Mrs L Morgan | School Bursar

01254 232329



CE Primary School

'Reaching our potential Together in Christ'

We seek to help all of our learners to 'live and live splendidly' (John 10:10)

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