Saplings 2024 - 2025
Miss Jackson
Teaching Team
Mr Walne
Mrs Morgan
Teaching Team
Mrs Jones
Teaching Team
Also supporting SAPLING CLASS are
Mrs Hall - Phonics and PPA
Mr McNab - Computer Science
Mr Pilkington - PE and Breakfast Club
Mrs Whalley - Play Therapist
Saplings Class
A very warm welcome to our Saplings class home page.
We are delighted that you have chosen us to be such a huge part of your childrens lives over the next academic year and are greatly looking forward to helping them achieve their potential with us. We believe all children deserve the right to be happy, healthy and safe, while learning the vital skills that will help them grow, not just in an academic sense, but as well rounded people.
We want to instill in them our Christian values (kindness, love, empathy, patience, forgiveness, trust, respect and honesty) within our school and class community, so that they may live a life of happiness, joy and fulfillment.
We know the great value that your children hold and we are thankful for the trust that you have given us at this important stage of their lives.
Key School Information
Physical Education (PE)
On Wednesday, please can children bring their PE kits into school so they may get changed in class as part of one of our early learning goals.
Please bring book bags into school everyday. Home readers are changed on a Friday. It is absolutely essential that books are read at home and encouraging your children to become enthusiastic readers will make a fantastic difference to their progress within school.
Curricula overview and Homework
To find out more about what our Saplings are up in this half term see the image below to view our Curricula Overview.
There is also a home work grid to work through this half term that we expect to be completed over the course of the next 6 weeks. Some of these tasks may seem unrelated to what may be expected as your average homework, but this is really not the case. In Reception we focus on three prime areas of learning, which include, Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional developement and Physical Development and so, homework tasks are set to help in these areas, aswell as the more expected areas of Maths and English.
Our Topic
Our topic this half term is 'Amazing Animals'.
Thank you
If there is anything I can help with please email or our office team and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Mr Walne, Mrs Morgan, Miss Jackson and Mrs Crawshaw
Files to Download
Saplings: News items
South for the Winter, by Mr McNab
HAF Christmas is coming..., by Mr McNab
Saplings: Gallery items
Father Christmas visit, by Mr McNab
Christmas Experience, by Mr McNab
St Andrew House point winners E-Sports, by Mr McNab