Sycamore Class 2024 - 2025

Ms Kaufman

Year 4 Teacher

Mrs Ormerod

Teaching Team

Also supporting SYCAMORE CLASS are

Mrs Hall  - Phonics and PPA 

Mr McNab - Computer Science

Mr Pilkington - PE and Breakfast Club

Mrs Ruggieri - PPA

Mrs Whalley - Play Therapist


Welcome to Year 4

Weclome back! We hope you have had a lovely half-term break and that the children are ready for another exciting chapter in Sycamore!

This half-term we will be learning all about how sound and vibrations work in Science! We will have the opportunity to explore this further on our class trip to the Museum of Science and Industry on 25th March, which we are very excited about! In Topic we will be learning all about where our food comes from and the impact this has on the environment. 

In English we will be developing our writing skills further by looking at formal and informal writing, and seeing as the children wanted to continue with Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, some of our work will be centred around the novel. In Maths we will be continuing multiplication and division and beginning to explore fractions. Please can you also encourage children to practice their times tables as much as possible. There are lots of maths games they can play on Topmarks online to make more fun or on TT Rockstars! 

The children will be challenged to read as much as possible this year and there are lots of reading challenges for them to complete for class prizes and the Reading Award. 

Homework will be sent out on a Friday and the children will receive housepoints for bringing this back in before the following Wednesday. 

PE is on a Friday this year, so we would be grateful if children could bring their PE kits into school on this day. 

There will be a times tables and spelling test every Friday so please encourage children to practice during the week. 

We are looking forward to an exciting and productive half-term where we will strive to reach our potential together in Christ. If you need any assistance or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

We look forward to seeing you all soon!

Miss L. Kaufman and Mrs. A. Ormerod. 

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South for the Winter, by Mr McNab

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Ofsted Good School AC Education hyndburn business awards The Church of England The National Society PSQM Lancashire Quality Award Magic Breakfast Fuel for learning stonewall schoolchampion logo My Happy Mind Accredited school: Bronze Award



Devonshire Street, Accrington BB5 1DW

Mrs Helen V Bird | Headteacher

Mrs L Morgan | School Bursar

01254 232329



CE Primary School

'Reaching our potential Together in Christ'

We seek to help all of our learners to 'live and live splendidly' (John 10:10)

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