School Governors

A message from our Chair of Governors 

History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.

Nelson Mandela

nelson mandela.jpg

The Governors know that everyone (including the Governing Body!) is working hard. The progress which pupils are making is very good, and we hope that both they and the staff are enjoying their activities.

We know that everyone will keep on doing their very best to continue to raise standards and to make St Mary Magdalen’s a great place to be!

Mrs Natalie Moore

Chair of Governors

School Governors
The School's Governing Body is made up of members who are appointed/elected by the Diocesan Board of Education, The Parochial Church Council, the local authority , the staff and the parents.

The Governing Body

Foundation governors:

Mrs Helen V Bird - Headteacher

Father David Arnold - Exofficio

Mrs N Moore - Chair of Governors

Mrs L Whewell

Mrs S Smithies

Ms A Chippindale

Parent governors:

Mrs M Fairweather -  Vice Chair

Mrs G Breheny

LEA governor:

Mrs K Hussain

Staff governor:

Mr D Wilson





Appointed Governors


  Mrs N Moore, 

School Advisor



 Mrs N Moore

Pay Appeals


Any untainted Governors




 Acting Deputy Headteacher

Public Relations

Head teacher 
Buildings, Health & Safety

Head teacher ,    Mrs N Moore

Finance & Staffing

Head teacher 

 Mr D Wilson,

Mrs N Moore  

Curriculum/ Standards & Effectiveness

Head teacher

  Mrs N Moore, Mr D Wilson


Governors have registered no business interests

Otherwise : Nil

Relationships between Governors and Members of staff

Our Governors have made the following declarations to declare any potential conflicts of interest arising from any matter or agenda item discussed by the Governing body and its committees at each meeting.This is formally recorded the following declarations have been made by individual governors.



Financial information

  • At St Mary Magdalen’s CE Primary School there are NO school employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000



Ofsted Good School AC Education hyndburn business awards The Church of England The National Society PSQM Lancashire Quality Award Magic Breakfast Fuel for learning stonewall schoolchampion logo My Happy Mind Accredited school: Bronze Award



Devonshire Street, Accrington BB5 1DW

Mrs Helen V Bird | Headteacher

Mrs L Morgan | School Bursar

01254 232329



CE Primary School

'Reaching our potential Together in Christ'

We seek to help all of our learners to 'live and live splendidly' (John 10:10)

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