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Information for Visitors on Safeguarding in our School

St Mary Magdalen’s C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding children and promoting children’s welfare.  The school expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment and maintain a vigilant and safe environment. It is our willingness to work safely and challenge inappropriate behaviour that underpins this commitment.

Visitor Procedures:

  • All visitors must sign into the school.
  • All visitors will be issued with an appropriate pass which must always be displayed whilst on the school site.
  • Visitors will be asked to remain under the supervision of a designated member of staff whilst on site.
  • All visitors must sign out at the Main Reception before leaving the site.
  • Do not give any personal information to pupils, such as your mobile number, email address or social networking information.


  • Mobile phones: to protect our children we respectfully ask that you do not use your mobile phone during your visit. Please ask a member of staff about the appropriate place where you can take your calls if you are expecting one.
  • Photographs: under no circumstance should you take photographs of our children whilst at our school.

What do I DO if I am worried about a child?

If you become concerned about:

  • Something a child says
  • Marks or bruising on a child
  • Changes in behaviour or demeanor

Please report these concerns to the class teacher who, if they feel it is appropriate, will pass the information on to one of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Leads. Child abuse happens to all children regardless of gender, culture, religion, social background, and those with or without disability.

What do I Do if a Child Discloses they are being harmed?

  • Whilst this may be an alarming situation it is important that you know what to do in such an eventuality and for you to stay calm and controlled.
  • Listen carefully to the child, making note of what is said spontaneously.
  • Remember not to show shock or disbelief.
  • Do not promise confidentiality. Reassure the child but do not make promises that might not be possible to keep.
  • Do not interrogate or ask leading questions.
  • Reassure the child that it is not their fault and stress that it was right to tell.
  • Record carefully what the child says in their words including how and when the account was given. Date, time and sign the record. Pass it on to one of the safeguarding leads.
  • Reassure the child that you will tell a teacher or the Headteacher who will be able to help them further and keep them safe.

Health and Safety:

Fire: In the event of a fire alarm please use the nearest fire exit and make yourself known to a member of staff.

Accidents and Illness: All accidents, regardless of severity need to be reported to a first aider. Staff will inform you of the first aider nearest to where you are based. All accidents will be logged in the accident book.


A copy of the school safeguarding policy is located on the school website or ask for a paper copy at the Main Reception.


What is Abuse? Child and Young Adult abuse is any form of physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to harm or injury qualifying as neglect. It commonly occurs within a relationship of trust or responsibility and is an abuse of power or breach of trust. Abuse can happen to any child regardless of their age, gender, race and ability.

What is Discrimination? Discrimination occurs when people receive less favourable treatment on any grounds which cannot be shown to be justified. This covers race ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, disability, responsibility for other dependents, social class or where the person lives.

What is CSE? Sexual exploitation of young persons under 18 involves exploitive situations where a young person received something (e.g. food, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts or money) as a result of them performing, and/or another or others performing on them sexual activities.

What is FGM? It is an illegal act of partial or total removal of external female genitalia for non-medical reasons.

What is a Prevent Duty? Schools must recognise that some children are vulnerable to radicalization and there is a clear safeguarding procedure in place to act upon any concerns. It is a STATUTORY REQUIREMENT.

What has increased the risk of Radicalisation? Social media and the ability of organisations with radical views, to communicate their message to young people in other countries that would previously be more difficult.


Thank you for taking the time to read this leaflet. Please stay vigilant and enjoy your visit to our school.


Outside agency support contact details:

  • Lancashire Children’s Service on 0300 123 6720 or 0300 123 6722 (out of hours)
  • Local Authority Designated Office (LADO) telephone 01772 536694 or email
  • NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000 or email


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Devonshire Street, Accrington BB5 1DW

Mrs Helen V Bird | Headteacher

Mrs L Morgan | School Bursar

01254 232329



CE Primary School

'Reaching our potential Together in Christ'

We seek to help all of our learners to 'live and live splendidly' (John 10:10)

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