Oak Class 2024 - 2025
Mrs Naughton
Teaching Team
Miss Mitchell
Teaching Team
Mr Wilson
Year 6 Teacher
Also supporting OAK CLASS are
Mrs Hall - Phonics and PPA
Mr McNab - Computer Science
Mr Pilkington - PE and Breakfast Club
Mrs Ruggieri - PPA
Mrs Whalley - Play Therapist
Welcome to Year 6
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
I hope you have had a relaxing break and are ready for our next half tem together.
As your child(ren) continue their final year of primary school, we're excited to embark on this important journey together. Year 6 is a time of growth, preparation, and new challenges as we work towards helping your child achieve their best. Our focus will be on developing independence, resilience, and a love for learning that, with our Christian values, will prepare them for the transition to secondary school. We look forward to working with you to ensure a successful and fulfilling year for your child where we can help them reach their potential together in Christ.
Mr Wilson, Mrs Naughton and Miss Mitchell
Spellings and homework will be sent home on a Friday to practise during the week ready for a test the following Friday.
Please have a look at the 'Spring 2 Homework Grid' below. We understand that family life is busy, therefore, it is not essential that all of these activities are completed but we do ask that your child aims to complete some of the activities to reinforce their learning across the curriculum.
Reading at home is incredibly valuable, children who read frequently at home are more likely to make greater progress in their fluency and understanding of the texts they read. Please encourage your child(ren) to read their reading books as much as possible, ideally 3-5 times per week.
Talking about the text with them and asking questions to develop comprehension skills can be extremely impactful in enhancing their English ability.
A few polite notices:
- Please label all of your children’s clothing that they bring in to school.
- PE is on a Monday – children must wear school PE kit – white t-shirt or polo shirt, black hoody or tracksuit top, black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms and suitable trainers – no high tops, boots.
- Spellings and homework will be sent home on a Friday to practise during the week ready for a test the following Friday.
- Children should practise their times tables throughout the year. Pupils are required to know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12! Don’t forget to use Times Tables Rock Stars! If you have difficulty logging in, please let me know so we can address any issues.
Oak Class: News items
South for the Winter, by Mr McNab
HAF Christmas is coming..., by Mr McNab
Oak Class: Gallery items
Choir Church trip to Blackburn Cathedral, by Miss Jones
Father Christmas visit, by Mr McNab
St Andrew House point winners E-Sports, by Mr McNab